The Outside World Is Your Friend
Hi my friend,
I hope this message finds you well and filled with peace.
Today, I wanted to share something that’s been on my heart.
Life is full of small, often unnoticed moments that ripple through the world, creating waves of change. I’ve always found beauty in these small, everyday actions—how they weave into the fabric of our lives, quietly affecting everyone around us. Simplicity is powerful. It is in the small, humble gestures that we find the loudest echoes.
One of my greatest joys has been observing these moments and passing them on. I remember seeing a lady tending her garden, nurturing each plant with care. Ever since then, every time I walk past a beautiful garden, I think of her. In that moment, her love for nature became a part of me. I once saw a man pick up litter without a second thought. The next time I’m outside, I did the same, imagining that somewhere, he was still doing it too. And when a woman, a stranger, smiled at me and wished someone a good day, I felt something light up inside. I wanted that warmth to spread, so now I say it to others, hoping my words will find their way back to her.
You see, these are the things that matter. These are the moments that remind us we are connected in ways we can’t always see. Each time I clean up a public space, I remember the joy of a woman I met in Malaysia who was overjoyed after cleaning a public restroom. Her happiness made something click in me—our small contributions to the world can carry immense weight. Now, I ask the waiters I meet, “How’s your day going?” because I remember the time someone asked me that in my early twenties. It was such a simple question, but it left a mark.
It’s strange how the most unassuming moments stay with us. I still remember a time when I was struggling with grief. I had lost my mother, and the wound felt fresh even years later. I locked eyes with an older woman one day, and in that brief moment, I saw such kindness in her gaze. It was like looking into my mother’s eyes again, and I thought, “This could’ve been my mom one day.” That moment healed something in me, something I didn’t even realize needed healing.
Over the years, I’ve watched people in their moments of joy, pain, and everything in between. I’ve seen their hearts—some heavy, some light—and I fell in love with every single one of them. I began to see my own suffering reflected in theirs. It dawned on me: we are all just trying to be happy. That’s all anyone really wants. But somewhere along the way, the idea of happiness got tangled up in expectations and illusions. For you, my dear reader, I want to offer this simple truth: happiness isn’t some grand achievement or distant goal. It’s found in peace, the quiet kind that settles within you. When you cultivate that peace, you begin to see the world differently. Those who shine the brightest, the kindest, most generous, most captivating, most inspiring souls I’ve met are the ones who have suffered the most—those who have seen the other side of the darkness.
The next time you’re on a plane, look down at the houses below. If it’s night-time, even better. Each house with its light on is a universe unto itself, each light representing a heart beating with its own story. In each home, people are living their lives—laughing, fighting, loving, grieving, learning. Everyone is trying to make sense of their own darkness and light. Have you ever noticed how we rush to turn the lights on when it gets dark? We aren’t afraid of the darkness itself; we’re afraid of what might be lurking within it—the unknown. But here’s the thing: we were born from darkness. It’s where we rest, where we dream, where we heal. We close our eyes to darkness every night to find peace.
I often think of the stars when I ponder this. We don’t judge the vast stretches of darkness between them, do we? Instead, we marvel at their light. The darkness is what makes them shine. And like the stars, we need both light and dark to fully be ourselves. We aren’t broken, my dear. We are fractured in ways that allow the light to seep through, in ways that teach us how to love deeper, to be more human. And isn’t that what life is? To live for love and to shine brighter because of it.
Here’s a poem I wrote that reflects this idea of balance between light and darkness:
As Above, So Below
What is above reflects below,
Like the sky mirrored in the ocean's glow.
One night, I flew towards Indonesia,
Gazing out from a window seat,
I saw the world, so small, yet so complete.
Each house, a spark of life,
A flicker in the vast, endless night.
Lights in windows, lives within,
Parents, children, joy, and sin.
Playing, arguing, eating, sleeping,
In every home, hearts are beating.
We are like stars, scattered bright,
Not seeking perfection, just shining our light.
When we gaze upon the sky so wide,
We marvel at stars, not what they hide.
We don’t scorn the darkness between,
We simply admire the beauty seen.
Yet we burden ourselves to be flawless and right,
Why can’t we, like stars, embrace the night?
For every soul fears the dark’s embrace,
Rushing to light, to fill the space.
But when it’s time to rest, to sleep,
We return to the dark, the silence deep.
Even as we close our eyes,
Darkness wraps us, no disguise.
Perhaps, like stars, we need to learn,
That light and dark, in cycles, turn.
In balance lies our true nature,
To be like stars, is to accept the fracture.
There will be days when you’ll think, “Humans are so frustrating, they are idiots,” and you’ll sigh in disbelief. But remember to follow that thought with, “Lovable idiots.” We are all just trying our best, stumbling along, doing what we can with what we know. If someone is unkind, let them be. People carry their past with them—sometimes it’s heavy, sometimes it spills over. They might see you and project their own experiences, fears, or biases onto you. Let them. Keep being yourself, and remember that you, too, have darkness within you. Meet it with compassion, and give the same to others. Eventually, you’ll notice a change—in them, and in you.
The outside world is not your enemy; it’s your friend.
I work in a café, and every day I meet grandpas and grandmas who carry wisdom in their stories. One day, I’ll be one of them, but for now, I watch and learn. They’ve let go of the things that don’t matter. They focus on the essentials: relationships, friendship, health, laughter, and nature. They remind me what true success looks like—living with an open heart.
In my journey, I’ve spoken to people from all walks of life—over 300 guidance sessions and counting. And the one thing that always leaves me speechless is the beauty of the human spirit. Every single person who comes to me saying, “I’m broken and lost,” has a light inside them that they often can’t see. But it’s there, and it’s beautiful. The world is changing, even if the media and news make it hard to see. They highlight the darkness, but don’t forget the light. Under the pressure, new stars are being born. Your small actions matter. Trust me, they do.
I was 24 when I had an out-of-body experience, a life review. I was shown my life from a higher perspective, and to my surprise, I was told, “Well done.” At that time, I had tied my worth to education, money, and success as the world defined it. I thought I was failing. But I was shown all the small, unseen ways I had made a difference, and I wept. I asked, “What more can I do?” The answer was simple: “You are already enough. Don’t do—just be.”
That was a revelation, and though it took time to accept, it changed how I saw myself. Now, when I’m invited to podcasts or interviews, I no longer question why. I understand that what makes me unique is my experience, my view, and my heart. That’s enough. I’m still a work in progress, and I always will be. But that’s okay. And I’m sharing this with you because I want you to know: it gets easier once you define what truly matters to you.
You are already enough.
You matter.
Your whole being is unique,
You are needed on Earth, You belong!
The outside world is your friend.
To be a star, to be light means to be fractured.
You are loved.
If you'd like to hear more about my journey and experiences, feel free to check out my latest video on YouTube:
Transform Lives: How One Question Changed Everything
Dear Gentle Reader,
I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. Today, I want to share a story unlike any other, one that has transformed my life and has the power to touch yours too. It all started with a single question, a dream, and a heartfelt mission that led me to the heart of Nepal.
What if everything is possible?
Earlier this year, in March and April, I embarked on a volunteer journey to Nepal with a few dear friends. We lived with the school director and his family, immersing ourselves in their daily lives and working tirelessly to find ways to help, teach, and inspire the children.
Our mission was simple yet profound: to teach English, emotional regulation, and to show these children the beauty and possibilities of the world beyond their immediate surroundings. It all began with a simple question I asked the children: "What would you do if you had a magic wand with one wish only?" Their responses were nothing short of inspiring. They wished for everyone to be kinder, to help their parents and grandparents, and to open orphanages and hospitals. Every one of their desires was directed toward giving.
Their selflessness moved me to tears, and I shared this heartfelt moment with my friends the next day, expressing my deep desire to support these children financially, despite not having the means to do so.
One of my dearest friends hugged me and said, "Okay, then let's do that." This simple act of solidarity ignited a movement. We set up a fundraising account and shared our mission with family, friends, and on social media. The outpouring of support was overwhelming and deeply emotional for all of us. Thanks to this incredible generosity, we raised $2000, providing a year's worth of school supplies to 150 bright and eager-to-learn children.
During our time there, we also volunteered at another school. Although we could only spend three days there and didn't have the financial means to do much, we painted walls and adorned them with uplifting messages, leaving a lasting impact.
One thing that brought me so much joy and gives me hope is seeing how the children are learning to understand their emotions, honour them, express them, and communicate effectively. We had fun classes where we taught them to give compliments. It was adorable to see them being shy at first, but by the end of our stay, they started writing happy birthday letters, gratitude letters to each other, and uplifting those around them. Watching them connect, talk about negative emotions, and comfort each other touched me deeply. I remember just crying because I felt that the vision of a peaceful, compassionate world I have is close. I feel it, and I will do everything to help.
Every day, the children surrounded us with love letters, drawings, flowers, hugs, and kisses. Their sweet "I love you Arke" was enough for me to fall in love with life all over again.
This journey has been nothing short of life-changing. It reaffirmed my belief in the power of community and showed me that we are all capable of so much more than we realize. My previous limiting beliefs – "I am not financially well enough to travel," "People don't care for what they can't see," "I can't financially support someone," "You can't make friends as an adult," and "If I share my dreams, people will laugh or ignore them" – have all been shattered. These beliefs have transformed into affirmations:
"I am sure there are many ways to travel, experience, and be in service. I trust that the universe will show me the path." And it did – I used a platform called Workaway to travel on a budget, volunteering in exchange for food and accommodation. This allowed me to deeply experience each culture and connect on a profound level.
"If I feel the importance of generosity, it proves that there are many people like me. Those who resonate will reach out."
"I may not be financially abundant, but my intention and heart will find a way to support those in need. I have a voice, ideas, and most importantly, the time to be in service."
"We are all deeply connected and loving beings. Connection happens when I open up first. I will trust myself." Now, I have friends all around the world with whom I've shared many tears of joy and sadness. We are not just friends but soul family.
"If I don't say and share, those who share the same ideas and dreams won't find me. I don't mind being laughed at." This was the best decision ever. By sharing my dreams and ideas, more and more people have helped me accomplish them, and we’ve shared the joy of being human together, in service and experiencing life.
In the evenings, I make content and guide people on their spiritual journey, but in the mornings, I make coffee for people. If there is anything I want you to take with you from my letter, it is this:
Trust in your dreams, no matter how big or small!
Destination in life will unfold in uncertain ways, but what matters is the journey itself. So enjoy the ride, life is too short. As for me, I made a vow ten months ago that I will make sure that my life will be the message. Challenges don’t scare me because I have learned to choose my path and accept the challenges that come with it. Everything will be okay if you move with love in your heart. "Love is the bridge between you and everything," Rumi once said, and indeed it is.I hope this story inspires someone to take a leap of faith and know that there is a big world out there where you belong everywhere. You matter, every single one of you. If you've read my story till the end, thank you.
What I want to say is to always have faith in yourself, take action, do your best, and the rest will be answered by the Universe. You will meet your tribe.
From the depths of my heart, I thank you for your kindness and generosity.With heartfelt gratitude,
Arke Muratova
P.S. If you'd like to support my next trip to Nepal, feel free to visit my shop below. Every $5 from each purchase goes towards making a difference in the lives of these children.
Please find the updates from my last trip on my Instagram @arkemuratova
Watch the full story of how I changed my life on YouTube:)
My Home
Lately I have been thinking and feeling(which is very important hahaha) that I am growing older. My friend recently said " welcome to your late 20's Arke!"
And it made me so happy. My inner child is screaming out of joy. Around the age of 4-8, I would tell myself "I can't wait to grow up faster. I wish to live a long and happy life"
And here I am, living and learning, recently turned 26. I can proudly say my life is full. However, there is an infinite curiosity within whispering "i wonder what else is out there to learn"
I have made so many friends, met beautiful people and still meeting more. I am truly blessed. As a kid I used to get upset over a thought " I wish the world could see these beautiful people I am meeting". Even the thought of my parents, I wished the world could see how beautiful my parents were...How simple, authentic, inspiring and unique people are.
Recently, I have realised when people give me compliments, saying "You're so authentic, inspiring, loving and kind", I feel so much gratitude and pride.
Wait till you know that "I" is "We". I am who I am and still evolving, because of the people I met. Thanks to you, thanks to my ancestors, my parents, my family, friends, co-workers, baristas, waiters, strangers, hikers, builders, gardeners, cashiers, drivers, artists, musicians, poets, activists, monks, nuns - people. Us on Earth, everyone has taught me something about generosity, kindness, love, what love is not, betrayal, anger, hunger, fear, courage, suffering, compassion, voice. You taught me all along to be me, and who I am is every piece of We.
It started with "We". I have nothing in this world and knew nothing either, how to talk, walk, feel, nothing.
It is been all taught here on Earth, by people. And "I" have grown from We and here I am back to We and Us. And now, I am no longer sad, when you see me, you see the beauty and love I was shown from everyone I met here. Strangely enough, it feels like I found my home. Our lovely planet Earth
Eternally greatul to be One and We.
Thank you for welcoming me.
Creating My Own Reality: Beginner for Life
Hey there, dear friends!
As I sit down to pen these words, a whirlwind of emotions engulfs me. Transparency has always been a core value for me, yet there are parts of my journey I've kept close to my heart. But today, I feel compelled to share my experiences in the hope of inspiring someone out there who might need it the most – remember, you are never alone!
My spiritual journey began in 2021 with a profound awakening. In this magical process, I discovered the world of out-of-body experiences and even reunited with my beloved mother, who had passed away when I was just a teenager. We conversed under the soft glow of celestial light, and the healing I received from that encounter touched my soul in unimaginable ways. My life transformed into an enchanting adventure filled with lucid dreams, astral projections, and a deep passion for unraveling the mysteries of our existence.
As the lunar cycle unfurls its beauty, every new moon becomes an opportunity for me to sow the seeds of my wishes and dreams. I ask for joy, abundance, and well-being not just for myself, but for all living beings. When the full moon graces the night sky, I gather under its luminous gaze to reflect and let go of anything that no longer serves my highest purpose. This monthly ritual is more than just a cosmic dance; it's a mirror to my growth, reminding me of the layers I shed to reveal my authentic self.
The complexities of our human nature fascinate me, and I find myself craving to learn more about our world and our interconnectedness. My passion for understanding our existence led me to a pivotal decision – to embrace change and relocate to a tranquil Buddhist temple nestled in the heart of a lush rainforest. This journey is a profound act of self-love, an exploration of my raw desires and dreams. Although some may not understand my path, I've learned that true strength lies in honoring our inner calling.
A candid conversation with someone I deeply admired opened my eyes to self-limiting beliefs I wasn't aware of. The vulnerability of the moment brought back memories of my inner child seeking reassurance, searching for stability and unconditional love. It dawned on me that the key to healing was to become my own source of acceptance and love. I now embrace my unique journey, and I hope you do too – for it's in embracing our imperfections that we truly find our authentic selves.
Life is an ever-changing journey of learning, growing, and becoming. I've chosen not to wait for life to pass me by, but rather to revel in the experiences, the lessons, and the little miracles that unfold each day. By documenting my voyage, I hope to leave behind a roadmap for others – a compass to navigate through life's challenges and celebrations.
In this adventure called life, we are all beginners, learning to dance in harmony with the rhythm of the universe. Embrace the journey, make mistakes, stumble, and rise again. Remember, you have the power to shape your reality and paint your own masterpiece on the canvas of life.
With boundless love and gratitude,
Arke Muratova
“Live fearlessly”
Good morning/day/afternoon/evening 🪶
Exactly a year ago, I had a lucid dream...
I was going through an intense transformation, and I knew deep down that I had to make a bold decision to break free from the patterns holding me back. However, I hesitated and resisted my calling.
During that time, I couldn't confide in anyone about my vision or seek guidance because I myself had doubts and uncertainties about the future and the unknown. So I remained in the same place, surrounded by the same people, trapped in the same comfortable yet unfulfilling routine...
Not long after, an opportunity arose for me to change my physical location, and I moved to another state. But the feeling of emptiness lingered within...
A year has passed, filled with precious memories and encounters with incredible individuals who have taught me invaluable lessons. I changed jobs, but none of them truly resonated with my core values, vision, and purpose. Nonetheless, I am immensely grateful for every experience.
Now, once again, the Universe has presented me with a choice - the same offer to take a risk and break free from the patterns that no longer serve me.
This time, I have decided to embrace that leap of faith and explore what lies beyond my comfort zone. What awaits me?
I'll be honest, I feel a mixture of fear and peace within, but I firmly believe that everything is unfolding for the better, guided by a magnificent plan.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I would like to remind you that every decision you make is the right decision, leading you to more opportunities and experiences.
Life is meant to be lived fully.
It's a journey of experiences and continuous learning.
This life is beautiful because it is filled with delightful surprises.
I would also like to encourage you to move fearlessly and take your own leap of faith.
You are the author of your own story, and only you know it best. Fill each chapter with purposeful actions, meaningful lessons, boundless love, and unwavering compassion. Embrace the anticipation of what lies ahead...
I would l like to share the message I got. I hope this helps you too dear reader:


With unwavering support and belief in you,
Blog: Pre-birth memory
It all begins with an idea.
It all started with this memory, my journey to this life as Arke. I was 4 years old when I shared this with my mother. She passed away when I was 16-17. And every since that day life was not the same.
I am 26 years old now, my story was shared on multiple YouTube channels. I met beautiful people all around the world. Finally found my purpose and now I just want to give back the kindness I’ve been shown. I hope you enjoy my stories, and I hope you find guidance for yourself within my life lessons.
(Her Pathless Path)
It was dark and I felt sleepy,
I had no body and nobody around
Strangely enough, I felt some motion
There was a single bright light
It was pretty and I was observing
Suddenly I got a question,
“Who am I and where am I? “
I felt silly for forgetting
Gentle voice spoke through me
It was peaceful and calm
It felt loving, the only thing I knew
"You are going to Earth, love" she said
I felt excited and nervous
I replied, "I am sorry, what is Earth?"
How frustrating it was, to not remember what it was,
What to ask and if I can at all.
She was patient and said "It's a planet, your new home"
Soon I got distracted by the light that got closer
I noticed 3 figures, noises and screaming
They were holding a tiny body,
And repeating "Kiz, kiz!"
Voices were going higher and more exciting.
I wanted to know why they seem happy
I suddenly desired to be there too
Gentle voice said "It's time to go love"
I asked her what they are shouting
She replied "In their language, it means a baby girl"
I didn't know what a "girl" meant either.
I wanted to know more
The gentle voice explained the genders, reproduction, and differences on Earth
Last thing I remember is about how my body can make more people
I replied "That's lovely"
I kept saying repeating "So lovely, I am so happy to be a girl"
Slowly I felt more and more sleepy
Gentle presence in the background
Fading and repeating:
"You will be alright,
You will be welcomed,
You will be loved,
We are always with you
Remember this, always"
Fighting the desire to sleep, I said "Okay, I will.."
The next thing I know is I am inside that tiny body,
Stiff, no contol over
I felt disconnected and alone
I was held by someone and placed on to my mother's chest
I listened to the heartbeat
She was talking to me,
Her words felt like a warm wave
It was gentle, loving and pure,
She said "I love you and I will protect you"
It was all I needed, I felt safe and happy,
I wished she could hear me back
But I said "they were right, I am so loved, I am glad. Thank you"
I fell into deep sleep.
I was 4 when I recalled this all.
Woman breastfeeding my brother
That's when I said "Now I remember you mother"
I tried to explain it all,
Never got a proper response.
However, this was the beginning
Of my human life I know
I am 25 now, fulfilling my purpose
I shared the story with the world
Not expecting anything back
To my surprise, there are many
Who remembers life before life
We are like puzzle pieces
Each got unique memories
But one thing we shared
Is the unconditional Love and longing for home.
I believe we share a purpose
It's letting people know
How much they are loved
Remind them to have fun while we are on Earth
Heaven is the place we choose to call Home.
So let our Earth to be heaven to all.
Arke Muratova
click here to listen to the full story:)